GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set Kegel Support


4 in stock

Buy a GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set pelvic floor support by Glas. GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser is something every woman should have or try. Owning a GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set support device and using a kegel exercise device regularly actually communicates you are a mature well-informed female. Maintaining personal, intimate, and physical health is maintaining the health of our pelvic floor wall. Outside of those benefits, men and women are reporting an increasing number of sexual pleasure and sexual satisfaction. There is a confidence a woman has when she knows she looks good in a new pair of heels. Well, think about the confidence you’ll have knowing your 100% taken care of in your vaginal region. Not to mention, psychologically every bit of authentic confidence you achieve and maintain reflects in the bedroom. Further, interchangeably, “pelvic floor,” all is also referred to commonly as, “kegel,” or to others, “kegels.” There are more technical terms out there. However, we want to cover something else about using and buying GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser and pelvic floor support. Let’s talk about it directly in the next paragraph where we destroy old perception.

I thought only loose women and old ladies needed something like GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser to exercise their pelvic floor?

GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser support is not just for old ladies or loose women. Geez. [eye roll] We had to put that out there though to show you how silly that mentality is. The only thing taboo about a kegel exercise device is the fact that a lot of people still think that something is wrong with you as, “a woman,” if you need to do PC muscle workouts. Seriously, that is not the case! To name a few legit reasons why a GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser and pelvic floor support may be healing and helpful, see our short list of scenarios which may affect you:

  • Post C-Section (almost everyone has them now-a-days)
  • Competition/Regular Weight Lifters (anyone fit enough to lift weights often)
  • Regular Fitness and Exercise (running, jumping, and even light weight lifting)
  • Post Regular Child Birth (after vaginal births)
  • Aging (wouldn’t necessarily be an issue if they exercised to begin with?)
  • Obesity (anyone with a Body Mass Index higher than 30)
  • Urinary Incontinence Sufferers
  • Pregnant (preparing for birth or maintaining vaginal health)
  • Chronic Coughing Sufferers
  • Excessive or Regular Constipation Sufferers
  • Anyone who personally feels the lack of strength desiring ability to have longer kegel reps and more control in the vaginal region.

So as you can see now, GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser pelvic floor care really is no different than any other regular personal care item. Pick yours today. Try a couple, maybe. View all kegel exercise and pelvic floor care devices. Take your pick. You should also consider kegel device cleaner and kegel device storage. Glas kegel care options are worth trying We currently have 4 GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser support devices in stock. Buy a GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser support device for pelvic floor care, today.

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Here’s our quick guide on GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exerciser and kegel support, an option for women seeking to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and enhance vaginal health. In this in-depth article, we’ll explore how GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exerciser by Glas revolutionizes pelvic floor training, why women turn to kegel exercisers, and the benefits of incorporating GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set into your wellness routine.

Chapter 1: Understanding the Importance of GLAS Mr. Swirly

In this section, we delve into the significance of pelvic floor muscles and why they are crucial for women’s health. From supporting pelvic organs to maintaining bladder control and enhancing sexual satisfaction, strong pelvic floor muscles play a vital role in overall well-being. We discuss how factors like childbirth, aging, and lifestyle choices can weaken these muscles, leading to issues such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
Understanding the importance of kegel support exercisers is crucial for women’s pelvic floor health and overall well-being. These exercisers provide targeted resistance and support, allowing women to effectively engage and strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. Strong pelvic floor muscles are essential for various bodily functions, including bladder and bowel control, support of pelvic organs, and sexual function. By using kegel support exercisers, women can improve their pelvic floor strength and tone, reducing the risk of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and other pelvic floor disorders. Additionally, strong pelvic floor muscles can enhance sexual pleasure and intimacy by increasing vaginal tightness and improving sensation during intercourse.

Moreover, kegel support exercisers offer a convenient and discreet solution for women looking to incorporate pelvic floor exercises into their daily routine. These devices can be used anytime and anywhere, making them suitable for women with busy lifestyles. Whether at home, work, or on the go, women can perform kegel exercises with the assistance of support exercisers, allowing them to prioritize their pelvic floor health without disrupting their daily activities. Overall, understanding the importance of kegel support exercisers empowers women to take control of their pelvic floor health and enjoy a better quality of life.

Chapter 2: The Power of Kegel Exercisers for Women’s Health

Here, we explore why women turn to kegel exercisers like GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. Whether it’s to regain confidence after childbirth, prepare for pregnancy, or improve sexual intimacy, kegel exercisers offer a safe and effective way to target the PC muscle group. We highlight the convenience and versatility of kegel exercisers, making them suitable for women of all ages and fitness levels.
The power and impact behind doing simple kegel support exercises lie in their ability to target and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which play a crucial role in various aspects of women’s health and well-being. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and bowel, thereby improving bladder and bowel control, enhancing sexual function, and preventing pelvic floor disorders. Despite their simplicity, kegel support exercises can yield significant results when performed regularly and correctly. By strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, women can experience improved urinary continence, reduced risk of pelvic organ prolapse, and enhanced sexual satisfaction.

Furthermore, the impact of simple kegel support exercises extends beyond physical health to encompass emotional and psychological well-being. Strong pelvic floor muscles can boost women’s confidence and self-esteem by alleviating concerns related to urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Additionally, improved sexual function and satisfaction can enhance overall quality of life and contribute to a more fulfilling intimate relationship. As such, the power of simple kegel support exercises lies not only in their physical benefits but also in their ability to empower women to take control of their pelvic floor health and enjoy a higher level of confidence, comfort, and satisfaction in their daily lives.

Chapter 3: How GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set Works to Strengthen PC Muscles

GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set stands out as a leading kegel exerciser, designed to optimize pelvic floor training and maximize results. We explain the innovative features of GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set, from adjustable resistance levels to ergonomic design for comfortable use. Through testimonials and user experiences, we showcase how GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set helps women effectively target and strengthen their PC muscle group for improved pelvic floor health.
A kegel support exerciser works by providing resistance and feedback to aid women in performing kegel exercises effectively. These devices typically come in the form of weighted balls, vaginal cones, or electronic devices with sensors. The exerciser is inserted into the vagina, and the user contracts and relaxes their pelvic floor muscles in response to the device’s resistance or feedback. By doing so, women can target and strengthen the muscles responsible for bladder control, pelvic organ support, and sexual function. The added resistance from the exerciser helps to challenge the muscles, leading to increased strength and tone over time.

Moreover, a kegel support exerciser helps women by providing guidance and motivation to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Many women struggle to perform kegel exercises correctly or may forget to incorporate them into their daily regimen. The use of a kegel support exerciser ensures that the exercises are performed accurately and efficiently, maximizing their effectiveness. Additionally, the tangible progress and improvements observed through regular use of the exerciser can serve as a source of motivation for women to continue their pelvic floor training. Ultimately, by incorporating a kegel support exerciser into their routine, women can experience enhanced pelvic floor health, improved bladder control, and greater sexual satisfaction, leading to a higher quality of life overall.

Chapter 4: When to Incorporate Kegel Exercisers into Your Routine

In this section, we offer practical guidance on when and how to incorporate kegel exercisers into your wellness routine. Whether you’re a new mom looking to regain strength postpartum or a woman seeking to enhance bladder control and sexual satisfaction, kegel exercisers can be a valuable tool. We provide tips for getting started with GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set and maintaining a consistent exercise regimen for optimal results.

Incorporating kegel exercises into your daily routine is crucial for maintaining pelvic floor health and reaping the benefits of strengthened muscles. Setting a schedule and using reminders can help ensure consistency, whether it’s during specific times of the day or integrated into daily activities like brushing teeth or waiting at a stoplight. By making kegel exercises a habit and gradually increasing their duration and intensity, you can reinforce the routine and establish long-term pelvic floor health.

Pairing kegel exercises with other activities and staying motivated through goal-setting and progress tracking can further solidify the habit. Whether you’re aiming to improve bladder control, enhance sexual satisfaction, or prevent pelvic floor disorders, integrating kegel exercises into your daily regimen is essential for achieving optimal pelvic floor health and overall well-being. With patience, consistency, and dedication, you can make kegel exercises a seamless and beneficial part of your daily routine.

Chapter 5: The Benefits of GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set for Women’s Wellness

Here, we highlight the numerous benefits of using GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser for women’s health. From improved bladder control and pelvic floor strength to enhanced sexual pleasure and confidence, GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set offers a range of advantages. We discuss the positive impact of regular kegel exercises on overall well-being and quality of life.

When a woman’s kegel and PC muscles are strong, the impact on her health can be profound and far-reaching. Strong pelvic floor muscles play a crucial role in supporting pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum, thus contributing to improved bladder and bowel control. This can significantly reduce the risk of urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence, enhancing the woman’s overall quality of life and confidence in her daily activities. Additionally, strong kegel and PC muscles can help prevent pelvic organ prolapse, a condition in which pelvic organs descend into the vagina due to weakened support muscles. By maintaining pelvic floor strength, women can reduce the likelihood of experiencing pelvic floor disorders and associated discomfort or complications.

Furthermore, strong kegel and PC muscles can have a positive impact on sexual health and satisfaction. These muscles play a vital role in sexual function, including arousal, lubrication, and orgasm intensity. Strong pelvic floor muscles can lead to increased vaginal tightness and improved sensation during intercourse, enhancing sexual pleasure for both partners. Additionally, strong pelvic floor muscles can contribute to faster postpartum recovery and better overall pelvic health. By prioritizing pelvic floor exercises and maintaining strength in these muscles, women can enjoy improved bladder and bowel control, enhanced sexual function, and greater confidence in their physical well-being.

In conclusion, GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser by Glas is a must-have tool for women looking to prioritize their pelvic floor health and enhance vaginal strength. By incorporating GLAS Mr. Swirly into your wellness routine, you can experience a multitude of benefits, from improved bladder control to heightened sexual satisfaction. Take control of your pelvic floor health today with GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set.

Through this SEO-optimized content, we aim to educate and empower women to make informed choices about their pelvic floor health and discover the transformative benefits of GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set kegel exerciser by Glas.

You can use GLAS Mr. Swirly for your kegel exercises and care. Kegel exercises are an invaluable tool for women seeking to improve pelvic floor strength and alleviate various health concerns. Regularly incorporating these exercises into one’s routine can help prevent and treat issues such as urinary incontinence, especially common post-childbirth or with aging. Kegel exercise devices such as GLAS Mr. Swirly help.

Moreover, Kegels are beneficial in enhancing sexual health by promoting stronger orgasms and increased vaginal tone, ultimately contributing to greater sexual satisfaction. Beyond addressing specific health concerns, Kegel workouts are versatile and discreet, making them easily integrated into daily life. Whether performed while sitting at a desk, standing in line, or during a workout session, Kegels offer a convenient means to strengthen pelvic muscles without requiring dedicated time or equipment.

Furthermore, Kegel exercises with GLAS Mr. Swirly can be customized to suit individual needs and fitness levels. Beginners may start with simple contractions, gradually increasing intensity and duration as strength improves. For those more experienced or seeking additional challenge, advanced variations such as incorporating resistance bands or using specialized devices can provide heightened benefits.

Additionally, Kegels are not limited to any particular age group or fitness level, making them accessible to women of all backgrounds. By committing to regular practice and incorporating Kegel exercises into a holistic approach to wellness, women can reap the long-term rewards of improved pelvic floor health and overall well-being. Try using GLAS Mr. Swirly as part of your regular kegel muscle and pelvic floor care routine.

Waterproof GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel pelvic floor care device is made of Glass. It’s diameter is Eggs: 1.19 / Dil: 1.67 / Plug: 1.59 inch(es). It’s insertable length is Eggs: 1.80 / Dil: 7.25 / Plug: 2.75 inch(es). If any of the information before this sentence appears to be missing, it means the information is missing from our database or does not apply to the particular item. Apologies in advance for any potential confusion. Make sure you check to see what batteries (if any) this device may require. You may always scroll below to review Glas’s item description. Or, you may contact us. We are happy to help.

There is nothing shameful about buying GLAS Mr. Swirly for Kegel and Pelvic Floor Care

Buying GLAS Mr. Swirly for pelvic floor care means you are aware and care about your body. Other areas of care in our life require upkeep. For comparison, our skin is a major organ and part of our body. We wash it. We put lotion on it. We try to keep a healthy diet and we take vitamins to prolong its elasticity or appearance. So, it’s really not taboo that we have solutions for caring for another muscle or part of our body as well. In this case, it is our pelvic floor muscle.

Sure. Yeah. It is a little weird to imagine inserting GLAS Mr. Swirly into your vagina. Some first-time users may even wonder if it will come back out easily or if at all. Please practice hygiene. We assure you, using GLAS Mr. Swirly as directed to by Glas in their owner’s manual, you are using the kegel exercise device in a safe manner. If it makes you feel more comfortable, call your gynecologist and consult with him or her first. Please do. We are not doctors. None of the information on this website should be considered medical advice.

Why would I need GLAS Mr. Swirly for pelvic floor care?

There are a many different reasons you need, or may need, GLAS Mr. Swirly for pelvic floor care. GLAS Mr. Swirly helps strengthen the pelvic floor of your vagina. Your pelvic floor holds your bladder, uterus, and bowel. If your pelvic floor muscle weakens, exercising your kegel and pelvic floor muscle with GLAS Mr. Swirly will help strengthen it. Then, other organs relying on its strength will not be affected adversely to its weakness.

GLAS Mr. Swirly Can Help With Many Different Personal Issues

For example, using GLAS Mr. Swirly strengthens your pelvic floor muscle. If the device is used properly, to can anticipate positive results. Users report having areas of improvement relating to bladder incontinence, bowel incontinence, and intercourse. Some have reported having symptoms or negative experiences improve after using GLAS Mr. Swirly as directed by Glas.

What lifestyle activities prompt the use of kegel tools like GLAS Mr. Swirly for pelvic floor care?

Strengthening your kegel muscle using GLAS Mr. Swirly pelvic floor care after pregnancy, childbirth, c-sections, mild-to-severe constipation, pelvic surgery, aging otherwise lack of exercise, lifting weights or heavy items, or obesity. Given that list I am providing, it looks like most any of us with a pelvic floor muscle can benefit from using GLAS Mr. Swirly for pelvic floor care. Those instances occur regardless of age. It’s that most people don’t find an increase or necessity for strengthening their kegel muscle tend to be older or willing to speak about it.

You have to think about the individuals you surrounded by to determine how you may have been first introduced to a device like GLAS Mr. Swirly. Even if just in light conversation. The other thing to consider is why you were introduced. Regardless, there is no shame associated with the necessity of working out your kegel. There is no certain lifestyle associated with the necessity to use items like GLAS Mr. Swirly.

What’s included when you buy a GLAS Mr. Swirly pelvic floor care device?

(2) Yoni Eggs, (1) Dil, (1) Plug, Storage Bag

Glas’s Description for GLAS Mr. Swirly Kegel Exercise Device

Mix and match items from this 4-piece set for an orgasmic experience during a solo session or partnered play unlike any other. 

This set can be used to strengthen Kegel muscles with the glass yoni eggs or enjoy backdoor stimulation from the beginners-friendly butt plug. 

For deep G-Spot stimulation, Mr. Swirly offers an intense massage. 


Does GLAS Mr. Swirly have a warranty?

If GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exercise care device has a warranty, it will show in the following section:
3 Year Year(s).

If no information relating to warranty appears above this line, that means it may or may not be offered by Glas. If any warranties do exist, they will be directly with Glas. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.


#incontinence #womensHealth #vaginalHealth #pelvicFloor #pcMuscle GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exercise device is in stock now. GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exercise device is brought to you by Glas. Improve the strength of your pelvic floor muscles using the GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exercise device. Try the Glas GLAS Mr. Swirly kegel exercise device.

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Weight .33 lbs


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Buy GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set Eggs: 1.75 / Dil: 8.00 / Plug: 3.25 long and Eggs: 1.19 / Dil: 1.67 / Plug: 1.59 thick dildo made by Glas.

GLAS Mr. Swirly 4pc Set Kegel Support